Sources of

Institutional investors (85%)
HNWs (5%)
Family offices (6%)
Other (4%)
Assets owned
vs realised
vs realised

Assets owned (70%)
Assets realised (30%)
The Newcore
Newcore set up a charitable foundation in 2020 and committed to pay at least 10% of its profits each year into the foundation. Prior to the foundation, Newcore had been long-term supporters of a number of charities linked to social infrastructure. Charities we have supported since 2011 include organisations working with homelessness, education, social inequality and prisoner rehabilitation.
Since 2011, Newcore has supported over 25 charities, donating over £700,000.


Newcore Capital wins best ESG firm award from Private Equity Wire

Newcore Capital won Property Fund Manager of the Year at the 2024 Property Awards

Newcore Capital jointly won Alternatives Team of the Year at the Property Awards in 2019